If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Another 10:10 Apology

Eugenie Harvey, the UK Director of 10:10, has issued a further apology for the catastrophic 'No Pressure' film. You can read it in full here. An extract:

We are also sorry to our corporate sponsors, delivery partners and board members, who have been implicated in this situation despite having no involvement in the film’s production or release.

I am very sorry for our mistake and want to reassure you that we will do everything in our power to ensure it does not happen again.

10:10 is a young and creative team but we will learn lessons from this. We are going to investigate what happened, review our processes and procedures, and share the results with our partners. Responsibility for this process is being taken by the 10:10 board of directors.

This media coverage for this film was not the kind of publicity we wanted for the cause of saving the climate, nor for 10:10, and we certainly didn’t mean to do anything to distract from all the efforts of those in other organisations who are working so hard to secure effective action on climate change.

If you have been in touch with us personally about the film, we will be replying to individual emails over the next few days.

To all those who are saying that the whole thing, including the outcry, the withdrawal and the first 'apology' were planned from the start, I think this puts the lid on that. It sounds genuine, and painfully embarrassed, to me.

Good. It needs to be. If I were Eugenie Harvey, I would be asking for the heads of the team that thought this would be a good idea - on a plate, with mayonnaise and a sprinkling of hundreds and thousands. In a private business, anyone who brought this amount of bad publicity on the organisation would be asked to clear their desk and get off the premises within ten minutes. And if she doesn't, the big blue-chip sponsors like Sony and O2 should be demanding it. The big guys know that brand damage is expensive.

I await my personal email from Eugenie with interest.


  1. "10:10 is a young and creative team"

    There is the problem. They may have first class degrees from top universities but they actually know nothing. The same problem exists all over 'commercial' media, politics and (to a lesser extent perhaps) commerce. They hire thrusting young turks who have little understanding of history and context.

    Useless tossers.

  2. Spot on. Related post follows ...


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