If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Monday 2 May 2011

Bank Holiday Chuckle

A bit of light relief for the Bank Holiday. Posted by Davehutch on Hutch's Motorbike Forum. Try to watch it to the end without bursting out laughing.


  1. Good thing they have their gear on! LOL Good post.

  2. Try to watch it to the end without bursting out laughing.

    I tried.

    I failed!

  3. The British do useless nonsense very well, I think.

  4. I had no idea the Teletubbies were bikers.


Comment is free, according to C P Scott, so go for it. Word verification is turned off for the time being. Play nicely.

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