If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Tuesday 17 May 2011


Thanks to commenter Brian, I hear that sentencing of Elliot Morley will take place on Friday 20 May, according to the CPS.

On the basis of Jim Devine's 18 months, I guesstimated that Morley would get longer, perhaps four years or more. I think that's not going to happen, for all the usuial reasons. Yet who would have thought that the head of the IMF would be refused bail on a sex assault charge in New York? Brought by a mere woman, and of the servant class as well? There's hope yet.

Brian nails his colours to the mast with a prediction of 18 months.

Any advance on that? There is a superb prize on offer for the one who gets closest, but you'll have to read the original post to see what it is.


  1. But the yanks did invent that wonderfully descriptive phrase "cheese-eating, surrender monkeys"

  2. So that's two thing to look forward to on Friday, and I thought it was just the release of 'LA Noire'..!

  3. Many thanks for the hat-tip Richard. btw, he's been stripped of his Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Civil Engineers awarded for services to coastal defence and flooding. Is there no end to the punishment being heaped on him?

  4. What do they do for that, then? Break his slide rule across his knee?

    As a serious point, it must be hard when you have got used to honorary this and emeritus that - all of which are contingent upon your good standing as an elected representative of the people - to have it all taken away when you are no longer deemed 'honorable'. I wonder if they will take his Cycling Proficiency badge too?

    Dryden: Honour is but an empty bubble.

  5. "...btw, he's been stripped of his Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Civil Engineers awarded for services to coastal defence and flooding..."

    That seems a bit unfair, he could still be useful in that role. Prop him up at the door and you'd need far fewer sandbags....

  6. With that face, the sea wouldn't dare.

  7. 16 months! How long will this Ozymandian-website stay up unchanged?
    As Elliot has left the constituency has it now become Shorpe?

  8. 'Shorpe' - ROFL of the week!

    See latest post for an update. And gratters, old bean.


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