If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Funnily enough, I had to go to the Irish Times for this gem. Angela Merkel, in an interview after the Cannes summit:
"What we got in Cannes was the feeling that there is no such thing any more as domestic policy making. Domestic is what's inside the currency area. Greece can no longer decide all by itself the issue of whether it should hold a referendum or not."
So now you know.


  1. Referendum: ask the people, ignore the result, do what you were going to do anyway.

    Consultation: say you're going to ask the people, do nothing, say you've consulted the people, say the people have spoken clearly, do what you were going to do anyway.

    Petition: promise to ask the people if enough people ask to be asked, enough people ask, refuse to ask them, and sack anyone who disagrees.

    Democracy is wonderful.

  2. I agree with Angela - Greek politicians are crap! Always have been always will be....

    Derf, please stop promulgating that gold crap - the Parthenon marbles are far more valuable and irreplaceable than some stupid gold chocolate coins - and we Brits took those....


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