If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Speeding Poll

The IAM are conducting a poll on speeding. They want as many people as possible (members and non-members) to take part as they are seeking a "wide range of views".

The poll is on this page; head down to 'Speeding Poll'. Sorry I can't link directly, but it looks as if there is something in place to prevent the 'vote early and vote often' brigade, and I couldn't return to the page.

And be honest ...

You have until 19 September.


  1. I tried.

    Unfortunately, there was nothing in the poll I could select that accurately describes my relationship with the NSL. I don't know if that's just me, but these are the multi-choice answers that really needed to be there:

    Are you an IAM member?

    Do you break the speed limit regularly?
    Yes. But not usually spectacularly.

    Do you aim to comply with the speed limit?
    Sometimes. I don't speed in town, and keep it sensible when carrying a pillion.

    Do you find it difficult to comply with the speed limit?
    No. But I quite often choose to disregard it.

    Which of the following would make you most likely to speed?
    None of them. Speeding is the product of making rapid progress appropriate to the conditions, not an end in itself.

    Which of the following would make you the least likely to speed?
    Anything that is likely to lead to prosecution.

    Have you ever been caught speeding?
    Yes. Hand-held radar, once. At 35mph, transitioning from a 40 to a 30 limit.

    If you do go over the speed limit, are you less likely to speed with your family in the car?
    I don't have a car.

    If you do go over the speed limit, are you less likely to speed with other people's children in your car?
    I still don't have a car.

    If you do go over the speed limit, are you less likely to speed with your dog in your car?
    I don't have a car, or a dog, either.

    If you do go over the speed limit, are you more likely to speed when driving for work or on business?
    Equally likely, but far more prevalent when I'm riding for fun.

    At what point in the day would you be most likely to speed?
    When I happen to be on the road.

    On which roads would you be most likely to speed?
    Non-urban ones without cameras or police patrols.

    Does that make me weird, or the IAM guilty of asking some very poorly-worded questions, I wonder?

  2. Hmmm. I had much the same difficulty, and for the same reasons. The questions are quite spectacularly badly-worded. Real-world answers such as you give here are not possible. I think I might write to them and point this out. The results of the survey will be nigh-on worthless.

    Personally, I drive like a mad bastard with the dog in the car. He loves it.


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