The first one turned with that bending-toffee feeling that should have warned me. The next thing, I have the bolt, and part of the stud, in my hand, and the rest of the stud still firmly in the cylinder head.
Assuming the rest will be equally rusted in place and weakened, I'm not going to try the others. It looks like the cylinder head will have to come off, so that I can use the appliance of science (i.e. a workbench, some heat, and some serious toolery) to get the other three to comply with my wishes. I might as well order the new headers and do it all at once.
As I said, bollocks. That means the XT will be off the road for at least a week, and I will be commuting on the Pan, which is not the ideal tool, in the same way that a 747 is not the ideal tool for gliding lessons.
However, the Pan sailed through its MoT this morning with just an advisory on the front fork seals, so it's not been all bad today.
Still, bollocks.
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