If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Parish Notice

I'm afraid I am back to work tonight.  The night shift isn't what it used to be.  In the old days, before the 'restructuring', I was managing a team and could usually find a bit of time during the night hours to catch up on webular activities on the office puter.  These days, I am out in the dark and doing what I used to manage other people doing.  It's not bad work by a long way, but it does mean that access to the interwebs is severely limited.  And during the day, I will be asleep.

Probably no posts for a couple of days, is what this means.  I haven't forgotten you.


  1. I'll be thinking of you whilst sipping my Cabernet Sauvignon!

  2. Replies
    1. Actually after last night's college reunion booze up I'd better moderate a little...

  3. Maybe your boss(es) follow your blog & got wind of your tea-break activities?

    1. If they followed the blog, I wouldn't be working here now, I am sure. And what are these 'tea breaks' you speak of, Earthling?

  4. Ooooerr. Work after hols.....nasty.

    1. Gotta be done. It's not too bad, really. Not too bad.




      OK, it's bad.

    2. There is a certain inevitability about having to go back to work sometime!

      I shall find out in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime the VFR's prepped, loaded and pointed towards the Franco-Spanish border.

      Hope the nights don't drag too badly, Rich!

    3. Great stuff, and I am envious. I hope you have/had a good time.


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