If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

- George Washington

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Pope berates Christmas 'glitter'

According to the BBC.

Says the most glittery man on television.

'Glittery'. Hmmm. No comment.


  1. Heh!

    Checking out the news last night, when they switched over to Bethlehem lit up like Blackpool illuminations, though, I have to concede the old Nazi might have a point...

  2. I take it he doesn't want the Ipad2 I sent him, then.

    I could hardly send him a tie.

  3. Ah, yes, he has a point about over-commercialisation, but he's right only in the sense that a broken clock is right twice a day. By the laws of random distribution, he must say something correct once in a while.

  4. Apologies, AB. Your comment was potentially libellous and was deleted. Please note this blog's comments policy.

  5. Good luck making sense of this world, Richard. Maybe on Christmas you shouldn't try. It seems that most people give around this time of year and ride the wave.

    Behind Bars

  6. The head of the vastly wealthy organisation that has commercialised and commodified the Christian message more than any in history criticises others for commercialising Christmas? I think that deserves a poke with the irony stick. No intention to offend you or any other true believer, Brady, but I detest hypocrisy wherever and whenever I see it. Even at Christmas.

  7. Poke away. I was raised Catholic, but you won't hurt my feelings. Popes have been doing crazy things since well before our time, including outright corruption with the Medici family and others. Just a few years ago we were worried that a Catholic president would bow to the pope, which seems silly, and it's odd to have a religion based on a book that they never expect you to read.

    I don't spend many Sundays at mass anymore, Richard, but the Christian spirit - the desire to help each other and strive for the betterment of humankind - has not been lost. If everyone kept that in their hearts, Christian or not, the world would be a better place I believe.

    Merry Christmas,

    Behind Bars

  8. "the Christian spirit - the desire to help each other and strive for the betterment of humankind - has not been lost. If everyone kept that in their hearts, Christian or not, the world would be a better place I believe."

    Agreed. Although I am agnostic, it's how I try to live my life. We're not so far apart.


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